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Baking Books Recommendations

 Hey, guys, it is me again! 

        Today I wanted to share some books that might be in your interests. Some are basic and others are more dedicated to techniques. I like to have lots of books that can help me get better at what I LOVE to do! One of my philosophies is "The more you read, the more you'll learn, the more you grow." 

        First, Baking with the Cake Boss. I absolutely love the show and I discovered this book which I totally recommend. It has lots of recipes and how to do things. It is illustrated so we can know exactly what the results at home should be.

      This next book is for those who are reading this blog because they love baking BUT as myself haven't taken any classes here is a book that I think will help you get started. It is called: Simple easy Baking 101. This book has easy to make recipes such as pies, bakes, tarts and much, much more.


       The Joy of Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Baking is the perfect book for people with gluten allergies. It shows recipes specifically for YOU!! If you have diabetes or if you are trying to CUT the sugar BUY THIS BOOK. I mean it, you should have bought it like... Yesterday! 😂😂😂

Note: More recipes, tips, books, and content coming soon!! 

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